Friday, May 7, 2010

Kung Fu Hustle

I really enjoyed this film. I had never seen a Kung Fu movie before and really loved the humor it brought to this genre. Although, i've never seen a Kung Fu movie in it's entirety I did have an idea of what they were like and how they worked. The way that this movie made fun of other Kung Fu movies was really hilarious to watch. In class we learned about Wuxia heros and how they are a combination of noble nights. The hero is this movie is very similar to that character type. I really enjoyed the way that this film was so post-modern. It was funny to see scenes and concepts that were almost identical to that of the "Matrix", "Star Wars" and Bruce Lee films.

The references that it made to these other movies was both witty and enjoyable to watch. In class someone asked if in 100 years post modernism will still work, I believe that it will still be in existence but will be in a different way. What was really cool about this film was the symbolism that was used. For example the young woman carries the lollypop that she had since she was a little girl and it represents the kindness that she held on to from her "hero" that saves her from the bullying boys.

This film was really unique. I especially enjoyed all of the different characters and their individual personalities. Each scene brought a new spin to the film and a new quality to it. I really liked the dance number that was almost broadway like, by the ax- gang. I am interested in what other films out there are similar to this one.

This film gave me a new perspective on Asian film making and really opened up my eyes to this type of movie. It was really cool to see a movie that incorporates both humor and references from so many other film genres and styles.

My favorite character was the landlady. She was super funny to watch and very over the top. Her character was dramatic and comical and really brought something great to the film.


  1. You mentioned something about postmodernism and the discussion we had in class about it lasting. You said that you believed it would be very different in future. I wish you would have explained your viewpoint more and how you feel about that because my blog was mostly centered around that idea.
    I really enjoyed the film overall but the the conversation we had in class frightened me a little bit about the meaning (or lack there of) in postmodernism and its lasting power and the concept of recycling. I am so flustered about it that I am typing in run-on sentences.
    After you read my blog, I'd really like to know what your thoughts are on the subject.

    PS The Landlady was awesome.

  2. I'd be really interested to see what you learned about Asian filmmaking, and how some of the conventions, etc, were different from Western films. Hard to tell, given how much Western goofiness Chow incorporated into this one, but it's still different in a lot of ways.

    Glad you liked it!
